Russ and I picked any of the crops we could Friday night that would be affected by the frost and covered a large amount of our red peppers. I suppose the timing was just right for our final CSA week.
We are ending the season VERY excited for our next growing season. We are deep into 2009 planning already. Farm visits, farming workshops and conferences are quickly filling up our calendar! We are even currently looking into a large hoop house to devote to season extension which would mean more early crops next season :)
We have neglected to set up a second farm tour... If you haven't made it out and would like to visit in the next couple weeks just let me know and we can plan a time that works. The garden is much more exciting in the spring but it may be a good time to visit in a week or two when we are planting garlic. We were hoping to announce a CSA u-pick apple day but we just don't have nearly the amount we usually do and we are having to heavily the varieties that we do have:( We hope to have this scheduled in next season...
What's in the Box:
Concord grapes
Watermelon - orange flesh
Kale - frost sweetens the taste!!!
Swiss Chard? - milder flavor/less bitterness comes with cooler weather:)
Bell Peppers - red and green
Hot peppers, Watch out for the little red ones
Squash - Musque de Provence or butternut
Potatoes - will come only dusted so they will store longer
A few notes from Russ:
Well, we established that I shouldn't be a gambling man, because I didn't see this frost coming. But, in my defense neither did the meteorologists at any of the local weather stations. Good news is that the frost inspired me to look into row covers to prolong the growing season next year. Besides the frost and the 3 torrential rains this growing season went fairly well, and we would like to thank you all for supporting us this year. We look forward to producing quality, healthy food for you all again next season.
This week I will be going out to the 40 where we have field corn growing. If they look good for decorative stalks I will post a message and anyone interested can contact us about picking up corn stalks...