Saturday, March 27, 2010

Family Trip to Sedona

What a great week of trail running, hiking with Liam, and spending some extra time with family before our busy season arrives.

Of course we had to hit up the farmers market! Our favorite - homemade vegetable herb pastas and fresh sugar peas:)

Spring Is Here!

Garlic is peeking through mulch while the rest of the garden is growing winter rye that will be tilled under as we begin direct seeding soon. Arugula, lettuce, spinach and onions are growing under a 200 foot low tunnel which is new for us this year.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

12 Short Food Rules, From Michael Pollan

1. Don’t eat anything your grandmother wouldn’t recognize as food.
2. Avoid foods containing ingredients you can’t pronounce.
3. Don’t eat anything that wouldn’t eventually rot.
4. Avoid food products that carry health claims.
5. Shop the peripheries of the supermarket; stay out of the middle.
6. Better yet, buy food somewhere else: the farmer’s market or CSA.
7. Pay more, eat less.
8. Eat a wide diversity of species.
9. Eat food from animals that eat grass.
10. Cook and, if you can, grow some of your own food.
11. Eat meals and eat them only at tables.
12. Eat deliberately, with other people whenever possible, and always with pleasure