Saturday, July 12, 2008

Week 6 News

Our season is sure coming into full swing! We are coming up on more and more veggies everyday. Green beans, beets, onions, more potatoes, broccoli, zucchini, cucumber, yellow squash, fennel, our first carrots...

The rain and humidity seems to be pushing many things along, maybe a little too much. I checked our purple kohlrabi a few days before writing last weeks note and they were just about the perfect size, then by the time we started harvesting them for Monday deliveries they had grown almost an inch in diameter; many were starting to crack from water overload. We also had this issue with many of our cherries and radishes. But we have plenty of the summer favorites doing just fine so we can't complain too much.

What's In the Box:

Big bag of salad greens - look for the heirloom, Amish Deer Tongue (darkest green in mix)
Baby Bok Choy - try it stir fried with chicken (add it in the last few minutes of cooking)
Sweet white onions and/or red onions
Quart Blueberries (large container) - You will likely get "Blue Jays" this week which are smaller than but very sweet and firm (will last quite a few days just on your counter)
Tart Cherries - Likely
Peas - Sugar, snap, or shell
Dill - Waited a week to harvest the rest of our first row
Green Beans - You may see some burgundy colored beans that turn green when cooked or a larger flat green bean (dutch variety).
Beets- Red and Golden are ready (the golden beets are an orangish color that won't bleed like regular beets and they seem to have a milder taste. I love to just steam them, slice, and refrigerate to add to salads or just eat plain... Excellent in arugula salads! I also here they are excellent sliced in a sandwich with goat cheese and a crusty bread.
Carrots, broccoli, green onions, kohlrabi, zucchini, heirloom cucumber (small white variety), yellow squash - You will receive a couple of these items this week!
Swiss Chard? I will try to get some to those of you that have requested it! We had to cut all the big leaves off already from our row that was just about ready to begin harvesting. The larger outer leaves were mangled pretty bad from the hail last week but we'll have more soon.
Fennel? - If you don't recieve any this week it will come next week

Coming soon!
peaches (still looks like a couple more weeks...)
basil and parsley
Adirondack Blue Potatoes
Green Pepper

Recipes added to website: zucchini chocolate chip cookies, kohlrabi and carrots, and grilled marinated fennel.

Extra Fruit this Week: Some of you have been requesting the option to order extra fruit. This week we have time to pick extra blueberries. Please email me the night before your delivery if interested.

Blueberries: $6.00/quart = 2+ lbs (2 quarts max)

~Please send back pint and quart containers! Help keep us from having to use more plastic. The containers have a much higher cost but we love to use them because most of the time they can be recycled. If we don't see many of them return we will have to use more
bags :(

~We can recycle your plastic or paper grocery bags at the market if you have any you want to get rid of! Just leave them with your crate.

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