Sunday, August 17, 2008

Week 11 News

I'm surviving without Russ thanks to so much help from family and some of our members and friends that have volunteered to help. Russ will be back home Tuesday night. It's strange not being able to contact them at all by phone while they're somewhere in the mountains in Alaska...

This will probably be the last week for bushels of peaches so order one soon if interested. I should be able to fit a few bushels in with deliveries if you would like yours delivered. Use them up within a few days or put some in the fridge for longer storage. I made some killer peach salsa last night to can using our cilantro, hot peppers, and red onion. Usually I don't especially like the vinegar taste added in canned salsa but it really worked in the recipe I tried and will post. The recipe I used is for three pint jars (I doubled the recipe). I think I'll try and can lots of salsa this season as I don't think I trust what's making it into the store bought stuff with all the tomato and hot pepper recalls...

We picked our first 5 quarts of our ever-bearing strawberries in the field. I'm very pleased with their size and taste. You will want to eat these up quick as organic strawberries have an even shorter shelf life than conventional. They will last longer if you cut them up, add a little sugar, and keep in an airtight container in the fridge.

We kind of gave up on our greenhouse strawberries as they weren't sizing up and the bugs got pretty unbearable for a while. They might make a comeback...

Produce Forecast for the Week:
Blueberries - we think this is the last week of Brigittas:(
Greens: rainbow chard, mesclun mix, kale, or arugula (one or two of these)
Green Peppers - Anytime you can't get to your pepper just chop and freeze. Works great! Can also roast, peel the skins, and then freeze for a little more flavor...
Basil - possibly cilantro or dill also
Silver Queen Sweet Corn- Likely, we finished up the first planting and think our second one will be ready this week. You will notice the first week's picking is a little larger. Sweet corn is sorted and may come without husks on.
Cucumber and pickles - A new crop of cucumbers is ready (they are longer and smoother than the pickles). Just in time as many of our cuke and pickle plants have been taken down by the beetle:(
Potatoes -
Fingerlings if you didn't get them last week - otherwise purple or redskins
Zucchini and yellow squash?
Beets - likely (waited on some of the heirlooms last week as they needed to get a little larger)
Eggplant? We are starting to have more eggplant ready. We have a standard variety and a very tasty mini eggplant variety that has very soft edible skin and no bitter taste. It is the cutest plant - I will have to get a pic to post. I tried it simply in a stir fry with zucchini, onions, and tomatoes and it was excellent.

*I might add something tonight after being at the farm all afternoon and remember something I forgot!

Coming soon:
Hierloom tomatoes - our hybrids are ripening faster
Acorn Squash
More greens!!!

We still have the Cookbook/Produce Guide: Asparagus to Zucchini available for $16 (retail $20) - Sounds like everyone is finding it very helpful!

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